'I'm fashionably late', is that a legit enough excuse this time?- the phrase 'Better late than never' also springs to mind. Okkkk, so it's been a month, 4 weeks, 28 days (there was some extremly complicated arithmetic going on there) and there has been, relatively, quite a lot of stuff going on. For one, I was 17 on the 16th; here, I may as well also warn you all that I will be receiving my first driving lesson this Saturday. In addition to my lessons this year, amongst other things, I received the
Michael Agwunobi 'Celine up the Bitches' tee I've been lusting after for ages. This year definitely surpassed the prior, perhaps due to GBBO fever, baked good wise; I'd be lying if I said my Topshop Leigh's zipped up as easily as usual right now. The past few months have been a little bit strange, and it may be the 17 year old wisdom talking, but I'm fairly sure that this is all happening far too fast. I mean, I can't even remember the conventions of blogging. Do I thank you now, or later...? To say I'm glad its half term would be an understatement and I intend to spend the following week sleeping, consuming an offensive amount of ice cream and pretending to work. In amidst of these plans I will, as is expected of one's self after such an occasion, be spending all of my birthday money, on things which could not necessarily be considered essential or practical. Here's list of few things I'm contemplating purchasing, let me know what you think:
17th Birthday Celebrations |
See you all soon, I promise