Saturday, 1 March 2014

Patience is halfway to happiness

'Better late than never', 'Be patient and understanding', 'Patience is halfway to happiness'; all credible excuses, right? So I'm little delayed with my 'weekly' post but this time I have an excuse- promise. The past few weeks have consisted mainly of three main things; sewing, wrapping willow (?) and excessive coffee drinking. Sleepless nights aside (apparently I work more efficiently at 4:30 am) I've finally managed to finish my Textiles AS Level final piece. From our initial provided title of 'tailoring and haberdashery' I decided to focus on the concept of using things generally concerned with the construction of a garment e.g. dressmaking patterns, dressmaking logos, the use of lining fabric, as mere embellishment. In addition to this I've also looked heavily into Elizabethan Clothing, the emancipation of women (with the role of war) and the decline of the British Textiles industry; looking at designers including the theatrical elements of Alexander McQueen and Issey Miyake. For my piece I created a rope wrapped willow cage skirt (unintentional tongue twister...) and a dress decorated with dressmaking symbol screen prints, hand-stitched symbols and embroidered/painted logos. To create a distressed look symbolic of the decline in British Industry I burnt my fabric and used 3D texture paste to recreate the look of mould. Above are a few snaps from schools fashion show where I, and fellow textiles students, modelled their pieces. After a multitude of textiles stresses and realted incidents, the most memorable being setting off the fire alarm and thus causing the mass evacuation of my school (during exam week...), I feel like it's time to hibernate-literally.
Till, next time 
